China's Relations with Portuguese-speaking Countries: A Growing but Unnoticed Relation
Author: Maubere Loro Sae Da Silva Horta.
Horta, Maubere Loro Sae Da Silva. September 2012. "China's Relations with Portuguese-speaking Countries: A Growing but Unnoticed Relation." MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA:
As China rises and becomes a global power, its foreign and economic policies are undergoing profound changes. Today Chinese interest spans the world, from the most remote corners of Africa to the mega cities of other new rising powers like Brazil. China’s growing presence in Portuguese-speaking countries provides a vivid illustration of the growing complexity and sophistication of China’s new foreign and economic policies. Sino-Lusophone relations confirm some of the assumptions made about Beijing’s relations with the developing world. However, this case study also reveals many incorrect assumptions and simplistic analyses of China’s foreign and economic policies toward the developing world.Published: September 2012Typ: thesis