Unpacking the new Author: Afe Adogame, Magnus Echtler, Ulf Vierke. Oil, security and community engagement: a collection of essays on China's growing role in South Sudan Author: Kate Rosin, Chuanyan Nie, . Managing risk in unstable countries: promoting conflict-sensitive Chinese investment in South Sudan Author: Kate Rosin, Nick Killick, . Contemporary Chinese Foreign Affairs and International Relations Author: Qiu Huafei. Take Over Asia for God!’: The Public Face of African Pentecostal Churches in China Author: Afe Adogame, Heidi Østbø Haugen. Sino-African Relations and the Implications for the EU's "Partnership" with Africa Author: Tony Chafer, Gordon Cumming, Ian Taylor. South Korea's development experience as an aid recipient: Lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa Author: E. Kim, M.L. Igbafen.