Caught between a rock and a hard place: realities of African soccer players in the Philippines Author: Satwinder S. Rehal. Social Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Africa: The Forced Mutual Help Hypothesis Author: Philippe Alby, Emmanuelle Auriol, Pierre Nguimkeu. Strategy and Tactics: Chinese Immigrants and Diasporic Spaces in Johannesburg, South Africa Author: Philip Harrison, Khangelani Moyo, Yan Yang. The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census Author: Philip D. Curtin. "Public Sphere"/"Civil Society" in China?: The Third Realm between State and Society Author: Philip C. C. Huang. The Star Raft: China's Encounter With Africa Author: Philip Snow. Why Africans are falling in love with the Philippines Author: Tom Sykes. African student mobility in the Philippines: trends in opportunities towards global excellence in higher education Author: Satwinder Rehal. African Student Mobility in the Philippines: An Explorative Study in Metro Manila and Cavite Author: Satwinder Rehal, B. Paruginog, J.B. Bartillo. Why Africans are falling in love with the Philippines - New African Magazine Author: