China and Africa. A New Paradigm of Global Business Author: Young-Chan Kim. Japan, Korea, and China: Styles of ODA in East Asia Author: Hiroshi Katō, John Page, Yasutami Shimomura, B. Stallings, Eun Mee Kim. South Africa’s relations with China and Taiwan: Economic realism and the ‘One China’ doctrine Author: Ross Anthony, Sven Grimm, Yejoo Kim. Democratic Deepening in South Korea and South AFrica in an Age of Global Rebalacing: The Potential Role of Civil Society in the Era of Internet Author: Jan Nederveen Pieterse, Jongtae Kim, W.W. Nauta. South African relations with China and Taiwan Economic realism and the “One-China” doctrine Author: Sven Grimm, Yejoo Kim, Ross Anthony. The Korean Miracle (1962–80) Revisited: Myths and Realities in Strategies and Development Author: Kwan S. Kim. South Korea’s Aid to Africa and Compliance with International Norms Author: Hyo-sook Kim. South Korea's development experience as an aid recipient: Lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa Author: E. Kim, M.L. Igbafen. Korea-Sudan Relations During The May Regime Author: Kim Jung-Doo. Korea in Africa: A Missing Piece of the Puzzle? Author: Soyeun Kim. From development to development cooperation: foreign aid, country ownership, and the developmental state in South Korea Author: Eun Mee Kim, Pil Ho Kim, Jinkyung Kim. China's soft power expansion in Africa through industrialisation - opportunities and challenges Author: Yejoo Kim.