Leaving China's Farms: Survey Results of New Paths and Remaining Hurdles to Rural Migration*   Author: Scott Rozelle, Li Guo, Minggao Shen, Amelia Hughart, John Giles.
New perspectives on the politics of development in Africa   Author: Claire Mercer, Giles Mohan, Marcus Power.
Africa, China and the 'new' economic geography of development   Author: Giles Mohan, Marcus Power.
China's resource diplomacy in Africa : powering development?   Author: Marcus Power, Giles Mohan, May Tan-Mullins.
Towards a Critical Geopolitics of China's Engagement with African Development   Author: Marcus Power, Giles Mohan.
Sino-African Encounters in Ghana and Nigeria: From Conflict to Conviviality and Mutual Benefit   Author: Ben Lampert, Giles Mohan.
China in Ghana: Easing the Shift from Aid Dependency to Oil Economy?   Author: Giles Mohan.
Redefining ‘Aid’ in the China–Africa Context   Author: May Tan‐Mullins, Giles Mohan, Marcus Power.
New African Choices? The Politics of Chinese Engagement   Author: Giles Mohan, Marcus Power.
Towards a critical political geography of African development   Author: Claire Mercer, Giles Mohan, Marcus Power.
China's Relations with Africa   Author: Emilian Kavalski, May Tan-Mullins, Giles Mohan.
The invisible hand of South-South globalisation: Chinese migrants in Africa   Author: Dr Giles Mohan.
Negotiating China: Reinserting African agency into China–Africa relations   Author: Giles Mohan, Ben Lampert.
Chinese Migrants in Africa as New Agents of Development? An Analytical Framework   Author: Giles Mohan, May Tan-Mullins.
Chinese Migrants and Africa's Development: New Imperialists or Agents of Change?   Author: Giles Mohan, Ben Lampert, May Tan-Mullins, Daphne Chang.
China in Africa: A Review Essay   Author: Giles Mohan.
The invisible hand of South-South globalisation: Chinese migrants in Africa   Author: Dr Giles Mohan, Dr Dinar Kale.