Lessons from/for BRICSAM about South–North Relations at the Start of the 21st Century: Economic Size Trumps All Else?   Author: Andrew F. Cooper, Agata Antkiewicz, Timothy M. Shaw.
Guest Editors' Introduction   Author: M. Johnson, F. Y. L. Chiu.
China and Portuguese speaking Africa: business approaches and management models in China, Mozambique and Cape Verde   Author: Nelson Santos António, Virgínia Trigo, Anita Spring, Catherine Sarlandie de la Robertie, Jacky F. L. Hong.
The Geopolitics of China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative   Author: Jean-Marc F. Blanchard, Colin Flint.
Global and/Or Regional Development at the Start of the 21st Century? China, India and (South) Africa   Author: Timothy M. Shaw, Andrew F. Cooper, Agata Antkiewicz.
African international students in the Malaysia Education Blueprint: experiences of racialization and othering   Author: Cynthia Joseph, F.K. Kandale.
SUSTAINING THE NEW WAVE OF PAN-AFRICANISM   Author: F. Bankie Bankie, Viola C. Zimunya.
The position of civil society organization in China today   Author: Dorothy-Grace Guerrero, Firoze Manji, F. Tao.
China's opening up, from Shenzhen to Sudan   Author: Meine Pieter van Dijk, F. de Beule, D. van den Bulcke.
Africa and International Relations in the 21st Century   Author: S. Cornelissen, F. Cheru, T. Shaw.
China's Rise in Africa   Author: Simon Shen, Jean-Marc F. Blanchard, Ian Taylor.
Upstairs and downstairs dimensions of China and the Chinese in South Africa   Author: F. Nyamnjoh, U. Pillay, G. Hagg, J. Jansen, C. Alden, Yoon Jung Park.
Artisanal mining activity: A benefit or a burden for sustainable development in Central Africa?   Author: Jurgen Runge, James Shikwati, F.A. Bomba.
The African diaspora in Asia   Author: M. El Fasi, Y. Talib, F. El Samir.
A New Development Partner: New Opportunities   Author: Dr Sharon T. Freeman, F. Mogae.