China and Portuguese speaking Africa: business approaches and management models in China, Mozambique and Cape Verde Author: Nelson Santos António, Virgínia Trigo, Anita Spring, Catherine Sarlandie de la Robertie, Jacky F. L. Hong. Dependency Theory – A Conceptual Lens to Understand China’s Presence in Africa? Author: Motolani Agbebi, Petri Virtanen. India Steps Forward as Africa Seeks Academic Aid Author: Vir Singh. China’s Environmental Movement - Testimony before the Congressional Executive Commission on China Roundtable on Environmental NGOs in China: Encouraging Action and Addressing Public Grievances Author: Elizabeth C. Economy. The dragon is not green enough: The potential environmental impact of Chinese investment in the DRC Author: Axel Harneit-Sievers, Stephen Marks, Sanusha Naidu, C. Kabemba. User - China’s Environmental Movement.pdf Author: