The new diplomacy of the South: South Africa, Brazil, India and trilateralism Author: Chris Alden, Marco Antonio Vieira. China's Peacekeeping Efforts in Africa: Assessing the Contributions, Future, Prospects, and Challenges Author: Marco Wyss, Thierry Tardy, Ian Taylor. The Non-Aligned Movement, the neutral European countries and the issue of Namibia's independence Author: Sandra Bott, Jussi M. Hanhimaki, Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl, Marco Wyss, C. Saunders. Chinese FDI to Africa: What Is the Nexus with Foreign Economic Cooperation?* Author: Marco Sanfilippo. Do Chinese Exports Crowd-out African Goods? An Econometric Analysis by Country and Sector Author: Giorgia Giovannetti, Marco Sanfilippo.