The EU, Africa and China: Towards trilateral dialogue and cooperation: communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
Author: .
, . 17.10.2008. "The EU, Africa and China: Towards trilateral dialogue and cooperation: communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions." Comission report SEC(2008)2641 9. Brussels:
At the dawn of the 21st century the new geopol
itics present challenge
s and opportunities for
all players. Nowhere is this truer than in
Africa which is entering a new era. Africa is
emerging, more democratic, more vibrant, and pos
itioning herself better to benefit from the
opportunities of globalisation.
The birth of the African Union (AU), the rein
forced role of Africa’s Regional Economic
Communities (RECs), the Afri
can blueprints for economic development (NEPAD - New
Partnership for Africa's Devel
opment) and for democratic governance (the African Peer
Review Mechanism) together
with the Strategic Plan of
the African Union (2004-2007)
marked a fundamental break in
the way Africa looks at itself
and how it engages with its
external partners. Africa is now
determined to assert its international status and is becoming
active on major global issues
like food security, energy and climate change and changing
economic environments.
Africa has created a network of partnerships
which imply taking more responsibility for its
own development, looking for African solutions
to African problems. At the same time there
is a renewed interest in the African continent because of its strategic significance in economic,
security and political terms. This provides a
genuine and welcome opportunity for Africa's
development and its fight against poverty.
The European Union and China are both long-sta
nding partners of African countries. The EU
and China are respectively the first and the thir
d commercial partners
of, and investors in,
Africa. They have in recent years responded to
Africa's transformation with major strategy
reviews.Published: 17.10.2008Typ: report