G-15 and South-South cooperation: Promise and performance
Author: Kripa Sridharan.
Sridharan, Kripa. 1998. "G-15 and South-South cooperation: Promise and performance." Third World Quarterly 19 (3): 357-374. https://doi.org/10.1080/01436599814299
The waning phase of the Cold War witnessed the emergence of a consultative group from within the nonaligned movement (NAM). The ninth NAM Summit held in Belgrade in 1989 gave birth to a new coalition called the Group of Fifteen: The Summit Level Group of Developing Countries (G-15), with the avowed aim of enhancing beneficial cooperation among developing countries and opening a dialogue with the developed countries of the North. Following a brief description of the context and origins of the G-15 this paper will highlight the issues that have dominated the summits held so far and assess the grouping's achievements to date.Published: September 1, 1998Typ: journalArticleISSN: 0143-6597