China's Africa Strategy
Author: Joshua Eisenman, Joshua Kurlantzick.
Eisenman, Joshua and Kurlantzick, Joshua. 2006. "China's Africa Strategy." Current History 105 (691): 219.
The streets of Maputo, the capital of the for-
mer Portuguese colony of Mozambique,
look little different from those of other sub-
Saharan African cities. Open sewers overflow with
rotting fruit, beggars harass pedestrians for 1,000
meticals (the equivalent of less than 10 cents), and
young mothers walk past in dirty rags, carrying
emaciated children. Yet Maputo is also hopeful.
After decades of brutal civil war, Mozambique has
enjoyed peace since the early 1990s and has built
anascent, if fragile, democracy. Mozambican
entrepreneurs have reconstructed the shattered
economy of their capital, whose business district
has even sprouted a small skyline.
Amid the pink and green Mediterranean-style
buildings on Maputo’s oceanfront, signs of its Por-
tuguese colonial heritage, one structure stands
out—an enormous, blocky building with an Asian
pagoda roof that hardly resembles the surrounding
architecture. It is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
and it has been built, as part of a larger initiative,
with Chinese aid. Indeed, in recent years China has
become a major provider of aid to Mozambique,
launching an investment- and trade-promotion cen-
ter in Maputo, offering debt reduction, and promis-
ing significant other economic assistance.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Mozambique now
regards China as one of its most important allies
outside of Africa. On one visit to Beijing, Mozam-
bique’s prime minister announced that his country
supports China’s “independent foreign policy”—a
termBeijing uses to denote independence from
American power—and called for China to play a
larger role on the African continent.
Mozambique is hardly unique. Over the past
decade, while the United States has too often
ignored sub-Saharan Africa policy other than coun-
terterrorism cooperation and aid initiatives, Beijing
has quietly established relationships with the conti-
nent’s political and business elites. And Beijing has
enjoyed considerable success in Africa, building
close ties with countries from Sudan to South Africa,
becoming a vital aid donor in many African nations,
signing trade initiatives with more than 40 African
states, and developing military relationships with
many of the continent’s powersPublished: May 1, 2006Typ: journalArticleISSN: