The Asian Drivers and Sub Saharan Africa
Author: Rhys Jenkins, Chris Edwards.
Jenkins, Rhys and Edwards, Chris. 01/01/2006. "The Asian Drivers and Sub Saharan Africa." IDS Bulletin 37 (1): 23-32.
The article examines the impact of the emergence of China and India as
important players in the global economy on 21 sub-Saharan African countries.
Trade between the Asian Drivers and Africa has grown significantly since
1990 and in the last few years they have also become sources of foreign direct
investment (FDI) in the region. Four types of impacts are considered: exports
from Africa to the Asian Drivers, African imports from China and India,
competition in third markets and impacts on FDI. It is shown that for some
African countries, these impacts are by no means negligible and are likely to
become more important in the foreseeable future. The ways in which Africa
has been affected differs from country to country, with some such as Angola,
Nigeria and Sudan being important exporters, others such as Ghana, Ethiopia,
Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda mainly importers from Asia, and Lesotho facing
competition from China in export markets. (IDS Bull/GIGA)Published: 01/01/2006Typ: journalArticleISSN: 1759-5436