Representation of China and the United States in Africa in Online Global News
Author: Chris Paterson, Toussaint Nothias.
Paterson, Chris and Nothias, Toussaint. 2016/03/01. "Representation of China and the United States in Africa in Online Global News." Communication, Culture and Critique 9 (1): 107-125.
This article examines global representation of the primary continental imperialisms reshaping contemporary Africa: the parallel expansionist exercises of China (centering on commercial expansion) and of the United States (centering on military expansion). Our analysis assesses the current state of these continent-wide involvements and sets out the background of how U.S.-African and Sino-African relationships have been portrayed by news media. We then analyze how both Chinese and U.S. expansions in Africa are represented by 3 prominent global media organizations online: Al Jazeera English, Bbc, and Cnn. This research concludes that global media report modern imperialism in Africa mostly in ways that support the imperial project rather than mobilize resistance toward it.Published: 2016/03/01Typ: journalArticleISSN: 1753-9129