Chinese Economic and Trade Co-operation Zones in Africa
Author: Ana Cristina Alves.
Alves, Ana Cristina. 2011. "Chinese Economic and Trade Co-operation Zones in Africa." Occasional Paper 74 17. Braamfontain:
While the promotion of Chinese economic and trade co-operation zones (ETCZs) has
been hailed as an instrument for attracting Chinese investment into all sectors across Africa,
the bulk of ETCZs to date have been targeted at the continent’s resource
rich countries
and the largest markets. The JinFei ETCZ on the small, resource
poor island of Mauritius is
a notable exception. This paper investigates the role that the Mauritius government played
in convincing China to locate an ETCZ on the island, despite a host of obstacles, on terms
which meet the country’s development aims.Published: 2011Typ: report