Japan in Africa: building sustainable peace?   Author: Bertha Z. Osei-Hwedie.
Japan and the TICAD process   Author: Bert Edström.
Africa-Asia Relations since the End of “Unipolar” Globalization: Focus on Education and Research   Author: Tukumbi Lumumba-Kasongo.
The evolution of Japan's role in ‘Lusophone’ Africa: From inertia to action   Author: Pedro Miguel Amakasu Raposo de Medeiros Carvalho.
Japan and Commonwealth Africa   Author: Dr Kweku Ampiah.
Japan's Foreign Aid Policy in Africa: Evaluating the TICAD Process   Author: Pedro Amakasu Raposo.
Japan's Foreign Aid Policy to Africa Since the Tokyo International Conference on African Development   Author: Howard Lehman.
Japan's Foreign Aid to Africa: Angola and Mozambique within the TICAD Process   Author: Pedro Amakasu Raposo.
Trade not aid behind Japan’s policy to Africa   Author: Howard Lehman.
Japan's Foreign Aid Policy to Angola and Mozambique   Author: Pedro Miguel Amakasu Raposo De Medeiros Carvalho.
Beyond TICAD Diplomacy: Japan's Africa Policy and African Initiatives in Conflict Response   Author: Takehiko Ochiai.
The Discourse of Local Ownership in Development: Rhapsodies about ‘Self-help’ in Japan's Economic Assistance to Africa   Author: Kweku Ampiah.
The Evolving Relations between Japan and Africa: The Discourse of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD)   Author: Kweku Ampiah, Caroline Rose.
Japan and Africa after the Cold War   Author: Jun Morikawa.