Liberating labour? Constructing Anti-Hegemony on the Tazara Railway in Tanzania, 1965-76   Author: Christopher Alden, Daniel Large, Ricardo Soares De Oliveira, Jamie Monson.
Hua Song: Stories of the Chinese Diaspora   Author: Christine Lim.
Medicine as Business. Chinese Medicine in Tanzania   Author: Christopher Alden, Daniel Large, Ricardo Soares De Oliveira, Elisabeth Hsu.
China Returns to Africa: Anatomy of an Expansive Engagement   Author: Chris Alden, Dan Large, Ricardo Soares de Oliveira.
In Search of Gravity’s Rainbow: Theoretical Approaches and China-Africa Scholarship   Author: Chris Alden.
Aid Donor Meets Strategic Partner? The European Union’s and China’s Relations with Ethiopia   Author: Christine Hackenesch.
Not as bad as it seems: EU and US democracy promotion faces China in Africa   Author: Christine Hackenesch.
China-Africa cooperation : joint engagement in adaptation to climate change   Author: Oliver Christian Ruppel, Christian Roschmann, Katharina Ruppel-Schlichting, Wanxin Li, Sven Grimm, Harrie Esterhuyse.
China's Economic Statecraft and African Mineral Resources   Author: Ana Christina Alves.
South Africa and China: The Making of a Partnership   Author: Chris Alden, Yu-Shan Wu.
China and the EU's engagement in Africa: setting the stage for cooperation, competition or conflict? ; DIE research project "European Policy for Global Development"   Author: Christine Hackenesch.
AERC Scoping Studies on China-Africa Relations : a reserch report on Zimbabwe   Author: Hannah Edinger, Christopher Burke.
China in Africa: A Macroeconomic Perspective   Author: Benedicte Vibe Christensen.
Christensen - 2010 - China in Africa A Macroeconomic Perspective.pdf   Author: