China–Zimbabwe Relations: A Model of China–Africa Relations?   Author: Zhang Chun.
From Financial Assets to Financial Statecraft: the case of China and emerging economies of Africa and Latin America   Author: Friedrich Wu, Koh De Wei.
China’s and Japan’s Foreign Aid Policies vis-à-vis Lusophone Africa   Author: Pedro Miguel Amakasu Raposo de Medeiros Carvalho.
Chinese Devils, the Global Market, and the Declining Power of Togo’s Nana-Benzes   Author: Nina Sylvanus.
The impact of trading with China on Botswana’s economy   Author: Kedibonye Sekakela.
China-Egypt trade and investment ties – seeking a better balance   Author: Emma Scott.
Significant Others: Security and Suspicion in Chinese–Angolan Encounters   Author: Cheryl Mei-ting Schmitz.
Ghana, China, and the Politics of Energy   Author: Stephanie Rupp.
Oil, security and community engagement: a collection of essays on China's growing role in South Sudan   Author: Kate Rosin, Chuanyan Nie, .
Chinese Investments in Zimbabwe and Namibia   Author: Clever Mapaure.
As China Returns: Perceptions of Land Grabbing and Spatial Power Relations in Mozambique   Author: Johan Lagerkvist.
Managing risk in unstable countries: promoting conflict-sensitive Chinese investment in South Sudan   Author: Kate Rosin, Nick Killick, .
Perceptions, Practices and Adaptations: Understanding Chinese–African Interactions in Africa   Author: Karsten Giese.
Adaptation and Learning among Chinese Actors in Africa   Author: Karsten Giese.
China and the Manufacturing Terms-of-Trade of African Exporters   Author: Nelson B. Villoria.
Chinese Economic Statecraft: A Comparative Study of China’s Oil-backed Loans in Angola and Brazil   Author: Ana Cristina Alves.
South Africa and China: The Making of a Partnership   Author: Chris Alden, Yu-Shan Wu.
China - Africa economic relations : the case of Namibia   Author: J. E. Odada, Omu Kakujaha-Matundu.
China in Ghana: Easing the Shift from Aid Dependency to Oil Economy?   Author: Giles Mohan.
China in Africa: A New Partner or Another Imperialist Power?   Author: Henning Melber.
Knocking on a Wide-open Door: Chinese Investments in Africa   Author: Peter Kragelund.
China-Africa Economic Relations: The Case of Cameroon   Author: Sunday Aninpah Khan, Francis Menjo Baye.
‘We are Scared to Say No’: Facing Foreign Timber Companies in Sierra Leone's Community Woodlands   Author: Greg Hiemstra-van der Horst.
Africa's Futures: from North - South to East - South?   Author: William G. Martin.
Scoping Study on the Chinese Relation with Sub Saharan Africa: The Case of Ethiopia AERC Scoping Study Scoping Study on the Chinese Relation with Sub Saharan Africa: The Case of Ethiopia   Author: Alemayehu Geda.
China’s New Courtship in South Sudan   Author: .
China-Africa economic and trade cooperation : White Paper   Author: .
Chinese debt, aid and trade : opportunity or threat for Zambia?   Author: .
Western ostracism and China’s presence in Africa   Author: Laura Caniglia.
Spinning and Weaving Discontent: Labour Relations and the Production of Meaning at Zambia-China Mulungushi Textiles   Author: Andrew Brooks.
The Impact of the Chinese Engagement in Southern Africa with a Country Focus on Nigeria   Author: Christian Baumann.
Growth by Destination (Where You Export Matters): Trade with China and Growth in African Countries*   Author: Mina Baliamoune‐Lutz.
The Oil Factor in Sino– Angolan Relations at the Start of the 21st Century   Author: Ana Cristina Alves.
Africa and Energy Security: Global Issues, Local Responses   Author: Ruchita Beri, Uttam Kumar Sinha.
Africa’s burgeoning ties with China : the benefits of China’s increasing economic engagement with Africa   Author: Jian-Ye Wang, Abdoulaye Bio-Tchané.
China and Africa   Author: Gudrun Wacker, Denis M Tull.
China - Africa Relations: A Case Study of Ghana   Author: Dela Tsikata, Ama Fenny, Ernest Aryeetey.
Enter the Dragon? Chinese Oil Companies & Resistance in the Niger Delta   Author: Cyril I. Obi.
Beijing’s Safari: China’s Move into Africa and Its Implications for Aid, Development, and Governance   Author: Joshua Kurlantzick.
CHINA EYES CONGO'S TREASURES   Author: Michael Komesaroff.
THE IMPACT OF CHINA ON SUB SAHARAN AFRICA   Author: Raphael Kaplinsky, Dorothy McCormick, Mike Morris.
The economic impacts of China and India on sub-Saharan Africa: Trends and prospects   Author: Rhys Jenkins, Chris Edwards.
Investing In Tragedy: China’S Money, Arms, And Politics In Sudan   Author: .
How the trade in natural resources is changing Chinese-African relations   Author: Peter J Croll, Andreas Lebzien, Wolf-Christian Paes.
Economic Relations between Kenya and China, 1963–2007   Author: Michael Chege.
China's African aid: transatlantic challenges   Author: Deborah Brautigam, .
David v. Goliath : Mauritius facing up to China; a draft scoping study   Author: Vinaye Dey Ancharaz.
Africa in China's global strategy   Author: Marcel Kitissou.
The EU and Africa: From Eurafrique to Afro-Europa   Author: Adekeye Adebajo, Kaye Whiteman.
Scoping Studies on China-Africa Economic Relations: The Case of Tanzania   Author: H. P. B. Moshi, J.M. Mtui.
China and Africa Development Relations   Author: Christopher M. Dent.
TICAD's Directives for Southern Africa: Promises and Pitfalls   Author: Scarlett Cornelissen.
South Africa's economic ties with north-east Asia   Author: Devan Pillay, Gilbert M. Khadiagala, Prishani Naidoo, Roger Southall, Scarlett Cornelissen.
China and Africa: Engagement and Compromise   Author: Ian Taylor.
Conflict by other means: Economic Statecraft: China in Africa   Author: Douglas W. Winton.
Hidden dragon, crouching lion: how China's advance in Africa is underestimated and Africa's potential underappreciated   Author: David E. Brown, Army War College (U.S.).
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of China’s Trade Relations With Sub-Saharan Africa   Author: Ephraim Okoro, Philemon Oyewole.
Japan-Africa Relations   Author: T. Lumumba-Kasongo.